Our role as a reliable and future-oriented employer is the cornerstone of our actions. From this, we also derive a social responsibility that encompasses the environment, which influences the quality of life for all of us. Accordingly, we see it as our duty to consistently counteract climate change.
That is why we decided early on to use self-sufficient energy generation through geothermal and photovoltaic systems. This combines ecological and economic advantages and guarantees greater independence from the market.
Since the installation of our photovoltaic systems in 2010 and 2016, we have already been able to generate more than 1.4 gigawatts of electricity. This amount of sustainable energy is equivalent to the average annual consumption of around 350 four-person households in Germany. Our photovoltaic systems produce an average of 120,000 KWh per year. This saves the equivalent of around 84 tonnes of CO₂ per year, which corresponds to the CO₂ absorption of around 7,000 fully grown trees.
In fact, our photovoltaic systems generate enough electricity to cover the annual consumption of around 30 single-family homes. This not only allows us to cover our own energy needs largely independently, but also to feed surplus electricity into the grid, thus actively contributing to the energy transition.
We have significantly reduced our environmental footprint and are making an important contribution to climate protection by using sustainable energy sources, such as self-sufficient sources, and switching to LED lights combined with motion sensors, as well as introducing environmentally friendly packaging on a large scale.
Nevertheless, we are aware that climate protection is not a sprint but a marathon. Accordingly, these achievements can only be the first step of many. Our values and our social mission will result in further projects in the future.